The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry offers professional and research graduate degrees. Please consult the relevant sections below for details.
Master of Applied Science (MASc)
The MASc is ideal if you aspire to a rewarding career in research in academia or industry. It is also a stepping stone to a doctoral (PhD) degree. Exceptional students can fast-track to the PhD program before completing their MASc.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Program is designed for students who want to become experts in a specific research area and is a stepping stone to a career in academia. Students work alongside world-renowned researchers while gaining profound depth and experience in your field of study.
Master in Engineering (MEng)
The Master of Engineering (MEng) Program is designed for engineers who want to enhance their career opportunities in as little as one year of full-time study. The program provides students with advanced professional training that is respected by employers and differentiates them in a crowded marketplace.
Information for new graduate students here.
Accepting your offer and clearing conditions
Enabling your JOINid
Applying for your study permit
Funding, budgeting, getting your SIN and setting up payroll
Paying your fees and enrolling in courses