B.Sc., Ph.D. (Carleton)
Principal Investigator, Bender Lab for Organic Electronic Materials and Devices
Room: WB212 | Tel.: (416)-978-6140 | Email: tim.bender@utoronto.ca
New Projects Available
- Accelerated materials development.
- Materials development via applied chemistry and/or chemistry to be developed.
- Physical characterization of materials for applications.
- Materials development for applications – and are engineered in the laboratory.
- Engineering organic solar cells (OSCs)/organic photovoltaics (OPVs).
- Engineering organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs).
- Life cycle analysis of OSCs/OPVs and OLEDs in true environment.
- Sustainability chemical processes.
- Sustainable materials for applications.
Accepting graduate students? Yes
- PhD & MASc
Research Interests
Selected Publications
“Boron subphthalocyanines as Singlet Fission Harvesting Materials within Organic Photovoltaics.” Castrucci, J.S.; Josey, D.; Thibau, E.; Lu, Z-H.; Bender, T.P.*; J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2015, 6 (15), 3121–3125.
“Boron Subphthalocyanine Polymers: Avoiding the Small Molecule Side Product and Exploring their use in Organic Light Emitting Diodes.” Lessard, B.H.; Sampson, K.L.; Plint, T.; Bender, T.P.*; J. Polym. Sci. A., 2015, 53, 1996–2006.
“Assessing the Potential Roles of Silicon and Germanium Phthalocyanines in Planar Heterojunction Organic Photovoltaic Devices and How Pentafluoro Phenoxylation Can Enhance π–π Interactions and Device Performance” Lessard, B.; Plint, T.; Castrucci, J.; White, R.; Josey, D.; Lu, Z.H.; Bender, T.P.*; ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2015, 7(9), 5076-5088.
“Acceptor Properties of Boron Subphthalocyanines in Fullerene Free Photovoltaics.” Beaumont, N.; Castrucci, J.S.; Sullivan, P.; Morse, G.E.; Paton, A.S.; Lu, Z.H.; Bender, T.P.*; Jones, T.S.; J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118(27) 14813–14823.
“Halogen bonds can direct the solid state arrangement of phenoxy-boron subphthalocyanines.” Virdo, J.D.; Kawar, Y.H.; Bender, T.P.*; CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 3187-3199.
“Utilizing the π-Acidity of Boron Subphthalocyanine to Achieve Novel Solid-State Arrangements.” Paton, A.S.; et al. Crystal Growth & Des., 2013, 13 (12), 5368–5374.
“Boron subphthalocyanine polymers by facile coupling to poly(acrylic acid-ran-styrene) copolymers and the associated problems with autoinitition when employing nitroxide mediated polymerization.” Lessard, B.H.; Bender, T.P.*; Macro. Rapid. Comm., 2013, 34(7), 568-573.
“Boron Subphthalocyanines as Organic Electronic Materials” Morse, G.E.; Bender, T.P.; ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2012, 4(10), 5055–5068.
“A Boron Subphthalocyanine Polymer: Poly(4-methyl styrene)-co-poly(phenoxy-boron-subphthalocyanine).” Dang, J.D.; Virdo, J.D.; Lessard, B.H.; Bultz, E.; Paton, A.S.; Bender, T.P.*; Macromolecules, 2012, 45(19), 7791–7798.
“Pentafluorophenoxy boron subphthalocyanine as a fluorescent dopant emitter in organic light emitting diodes." Helander, M.H.; Morse, G.E.; Qiu, J.; Castrucci, J.; Bender, T.P.*; Lu, Z.H.; ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter., 2010, 11(2), 3147–3152.
"Fluorinated Phenoxy Boron Subphthalocyanines in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes" Morse, G.E.; Helander, M.H.; Maka, J.; Lu, Z.H.; Bender, T.P.*; ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter., 2010, 2(7), 1934–1944.