Posts Categorized: Faculty Members
Professor Grant Allen (ChemE) has been selected as the 2024 R.S. Jane Memorial Award recipient. The R. S. Jane Memorial Award is presented to a person who, while residing in Canada, has made an exceptional achievement to the field of…
Molly Shoichet (ChemE) is leading a $19 million project aimed at accelerating bio-manufacturing training. Her initiative, which involves collaboration with over 20 industry partners, focuses on providing young scientists with the necessary experience to swiftly enter the bio-manufacturing field, thereby bolstering…
Benjamin Sanchez-Lengeling Assistant Professor, B.Sc (Guanajuato), M.Sc. (Erasmus Mundus, Valencia), Ph.D. (Harvard) The Chemical Cognition research group is focused on designing computer-robotic systems that augment our human capacity for engineering and optimizing molecular systems, reactions, and processes. Focus areas: AI for…
A new autonomous lab being built in the University of Toronto’s Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy will help to design and optimize formulations that will improve bioavailability, stability and efficacy of a variety of drugs, according to a recent article…
Professor Gisele Azimi has been featured in a recent Tech Explorist article regarding her work on developing a method to extract precious metals from electronic waste: Electronic waste (e-waste) is considered the fastest-growing waste stream in the developed world. It…
Nicole Weckman, Assistant Professor (ISTEP, ChemE), BASc (Waterloo), MEng (McGill), PhD (Cambridge), Postdoc (Harvard) Paul Cadario Chair in Global Engineering My research group develops sensitive and quantitative biological and biochemical sensors at the interface of cell-free synthetic biology and microscale…
Seyed Mohamad Moosavi, Assistant Professor, B.Sc. (Sharif Univ.), M.Sc. and Ph.D. (EPFL) Principal Investigator, AI4ChemS group and Faculty Affiliate at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence Vision: Autonomous multi-scale materials design and discovery Methods: machine learning, artificial intelligence, molecular simulation…
Story by Tyler Irving, U of T Engineering News Two renewed Canada Research Chairs will catalyze innovations that could reduce the environmental impact of chemical manufacturing and help remediate contaminated sites. Professor Ya-Huei (Cathy) Chin (ChemE) holds the Canada Research Chair in Advanced Catalysis…
Daniela Galatro, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, MSc (UNEXPO), PhD (Toronto) Courses: Heat and Mass Transfer (CHE210), Data-based Modelling for Prediction and Control (CHE507), Petroleum Processing (CHE451), Team Strategies for Engineering Design (CHE334) Research Interests: Engineering Education; Data Analytics, and Machine Learning…
Christopher E. Lawson, Assistant Professor, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. (UBC), Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Post-doc (Berkeley Lab) Principal Investigator, Microbiome Engineering Lab and BioZone — Centre for Applied Bioscience and Bioengineering Microbiome engineering, systems biology, synthetic biology, microbial ecology, machine learning, biological waste treatment,…
Showing 11 - 20 of 51 results