Posts Categorized: Faculty Members

Werber, Jay

Jay Werber, Assistant Professor, B.Sc. (Washington Univ. St. Louis), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Yale), Post-doc (Minnesota) My research group focuses on membrane materials and membrane separation processes with the aim of attaining breakthrough performance in molecular separations. We are especially motivated by…

Gu, Frank

Frank Gu Professor, Ph.D. (Queen’s), Postdoc (MIT-Harvard) Director, Institute for Water Innovation (IWI) Principal Investigator, Laboratory of Nanomedicine and Water Sustainability NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair in Nanotechnology Engineering Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter generally in the 1–100…

DeMartini, Niko

Nikolai DeMartini, Associate Professor, PhD Director, Pulp & Paper Centre NSERC Industrial Research Chair in the Role of Inorganics in the Industrial Processing of Woody Biomass The role and fate of inorganics in the industrial processing of woody biomass with…

Yan, Ning

Ning Yan, Professor, B.Eng, (Southeast), Ph.D. (Toronto), P.Eng., FEIC Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Bioproducts Distinguished Professor in Forest Biomaterials Engineering Director of Low Carbon Renewable Materials Centre Lignocellulosic biomaterials engineering; forest and agriculture residue utilization and conversion…

Molly Shoichet on turning research into clinical treatment

In a recent article published by the Toronto Star, University Professor Molly Shoichet (ChemE, IBBME) talked about the long process of turning scientific breakthroughs into clinical treatment available to patients. “Studies like mine often produce a lot of hope, but…

Chan, Ariel

Ariel Chan, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Ph.D. (Queen’s), P.Eng. Courses: CHE304 – Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Lab III, CHE305 – Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Lab IV, CHE274-Engineering Economic and Analysis, CHE374 – Economic Analysis and Decision Making, APS490- Multidisciplinary…

Farmer, Jennifer

Jennifer Farmer, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Ph.D. (York) Associate Chair, Undergraduate Student Experience Courses: Applied Chemistry- Laboratory I (CHE204F), Applied Chemistry- Laboratory II (CHE205S), Applied Chemistry IV – Applied Polymer Chemistry, Science and Engineering (CHE562). Research Interests: Engineering Education, in…

Yip, Christopher M.

Christopher M. Yip Professor, B.A.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Minnesota), P.Eng. Dean, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering Molecular self-assembly: Protein-ligand and biomolecular complexes and elucidation of the mechanisms associated with their formation. Organic solid-state focusing on molecular and biomolecular crystals and…

Shoichet, Molly S.

Molly S. Shoichet University Professor, B.Sc. (MIT), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Massachusetts) Pamela and Paul Austin Chair In Precision and Regenerative Medicine Advancing innovative therapeutic and cell delivery strategies to promote regeneration in the central nervous system – brain, spinal cord and…

Sefton, Michael V.

Michael V. Sefton University Professor, B.A.Sc. (Toronto), Sc.D. (MIT), P.Eng. Tissue engineering, cardiovascular biomaterials, medical implants, cell and gene therapy. Room: DC406 | Tel.: 416-978-3088 | Email: 
Showing 21 - 30 of 51 results