C. Allen, B.Sc. (Ottawa), Ph.D. (McGill)
Faculty of Pharmacy (Assistant Professor)
Email: cj.allen@utoronto.ca
Research interest: Rational design and development of polymer-based drug delivery systems.
Mechanical Engineering (Professor)
Alumni Distinguished Professor in Bioengineering
Dean Emerita, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering (2006-2019)
Email: cristina.amon@utoronto.ca
Research group: Advanced Thermal/fluid Optimization, Modelling and Simulation (ATOMS) Lab
A. Aspuru-Guzik, B.Sc. (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Ph.D. (Berkeley), A.M. (Harvard)
Chemistry (Professor)
Computer Science (Professor)
Vector Institute (Canada CIFAR AI Chair)
Acceleration Consortium (Director)
Email: aspuru@utoronto.ca; Website: https://www.matter.toronto.edu/
J. Audet, B.Sc., B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. (Laval), Ph.D. (UBC)
Institute of Biomedical Engineering (Professor)
Email: julie.audet@utoronto.ca; Website: https://bme.utoronto.ca/faculty-research/core-faculty/julie-audet/
Research interest: Stem Cell Manufacturing and Bioprocess Analytics
W.C.W. Chan, Ph.D., B.Sc. (Illinois), Ph.D. (Indiana)
Institute of Biomedical Engineering (Professor)
E-mail: warren.chan@utoronto.ca; Website: http://inbs.med.utoronto.ca
C.W. Chow, M.D. (Toronto)
Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Assistant Professor)
Department of Medicine (Assistant Professor)
Email: cw.chow@utoronto.ca; Websites: http://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/faculty-profile/chung-wai-chow
B. Cox, B.A., Ph.D. (Cambridge)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Professor)
Email: cox@ecf.utoronto.ca
M.L. Diamond, Ph.D. (Toronto)
Department of Earth Sciences (Professor)
Email: miriam.diamond@utoronto.ca; Website: www.miriamldiamond.com
Research interest: Measuring and mathematical modelling of environmental contaminants from source to environmental fate to human and ecological exposure. Contaminants include metals and trace organic compounds, especially in urban areas, indoor environments and aquatic systems. Life cycle impact assessment. Research is closely linked to policy needs.
A. Edwards, B.Sc. (McGill), Ph.D. (McGill)
Chief Executive, Structural Genomics Consortium
Email: aled.edwards@utoronto.ca
C. Goh, B.S. (University of the Philippines), Ph.D. (UCLA)
Chemistry (Professor)
Medical Sciences (Professor)
Monk School of Global Affairs (Professor)
Materials Science & Engineering (Professor)
Email: cynthia.goh@utoronto.ca
D.F. James, B.Sc., M.A., M.S., Ph.D. (Toronto)
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (Professor)
Email: james@mie.utoronto.ca
E. Kumacheva, FRSC
U of T University Professor
Department of Chemistry (Professor)
Canada Research Chair in Advanced Polymer Materials
Lash Miller Building; Tel. 416-978-3576;
Email: ekumache@chem.utoronto.ca
H. MacLean
Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering (Professor & Associate Chair, Research)
Tel: 416-946-5056; Email: heatherl.maclean@utoronto.ca
Research interest: Life cycle assessment and techno-economic methods incorporating uncertainty; sustainable infrastructure; bioenergy systems including biobased electricity and liquid fuels (ethanol, hydrogen, and aviation fuels); conventional and alternative light-duty and medium-duty vehicles; conventional and unconventional fossil fuels; sustainable and resilient cities
E. Moore
Director, Troost ILead
Email: emilyl.moore@utoronto.ca
H. Naguib
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (Professor)
Tel: 416-978-7054; Email: naguib@mie.utoronto.ca
Research interest: His research scope encompasses the area of advanced materials and manufacturing, and enabling materials and technologies. His major expertise is in the area of smart and active materials; nanostructured polymers and composites; and bio-based materials. His group has applied these materials in a range of industrial and health care technologies such as smart sensors and actuators, energy management materials, batteries and supercapacitors, artificial muscles, smart textiles, biomedical and clinical devices. The main goal of his research program is to develop sustainable and transformational materials and manufacturing for the energy management, and health care sectors.
C. Rottmann, Ph.D. (Toronto)
ISTEP (Assistant Professor)
Associate Director, Research, Troost ILead
Email: cindy.rottmann@utoronto.ca
Research interests: Enhancing socio-technical impact in engineers’ professional practice; Engineering leadership and policy; integrating equity into engineering ethics education; engineering leadership orientations; engineering career paths and EDI.
M. Sain
Faculty of Forestry (Professor)
Tel. 416-946-3191; Email: m.sain@utoronto.ca
Research interest: Natural fiber-polymer composites, industrial waste water treatment, surface chemistry of lignocellulosics. Research interests: natural fiber reinforced thermoplastics and thermosetting nanotechnology for fiber surface and paper sizing; microtoxicity removal from water, reactive pulping.
J.P. Santerre, B.Sc. (Dalhousie), M.Sc.E. (UNB), Ph.D. (McMaster)
Faculty of Dentistry (Professor); 124 Edward St. Room 464C/
Centre for Biomaterials; Lassonde Mining Building Room 331; Tel. 416-979-4903 xtn. 4341;
Fax 979-4760; Email: paul.santerre@utoronto.ca; Web site: https://www.dentistry.utoronto.ca/faculty-profiles/paul-santerre
Research interest: Polymer synthesis and characterization. Development of Bioactive Surface modifying coatings for medical device applications. Process and mechanism of polymer degradation by enzymes and white blood cells. Biostability of dental composite resins. Application of materials to cardiovascular support devices. Development of novel drug polymers.
D. Seferos, B.S. Chemistry (Western Washington University)
Ph.D. Chemistry (University of California)
Email: dwight.seferos@utoronto.ca; Website: https://sites.chem.utoronto.ca/seferos/
Research interests: The Seferos group studies electronic and redox-active organic materials. A large part of the work involves the synthesis of new classes of polymers. Many of these polymers have found use in a range of applications such as solar cells, thin-film transistors, and thermoelectrics. We also prepare new organic materials for Li-ion battery applications. These projects involve synthesis, electrochemistry, and battery fabrication and testing. Emerging areas of interest are the development of degradable plastics, CO2 capture and utilization, and the accelerated discovery of materials.
B. Sherwood Lollar, C.C., F.R.S.C.
U of T University Professor, Canada Research Chair Tier I
Department of Earth Sciences (Professor)
E-mail: bslollar@chem.utoronto.ca; Website: http://bsherwoodlollar.weebly.com
M.J. Thomson, B.Eng. (McGill), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Berkeley, California)
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (Associate Professor)
Room 335; Tel. 416-580-3391; Email: thomson@mie.utoronto.ca;
Website: https://www.mie.utoronto.ca/mie/faculty/thomson
Research interest: Air Pollution Control: Experimental and computational studies of combustion generated pollutant formation; Combustion chemistry; Modeling with chemical kinetics and computational fluid dynamics (CFD); Development of laser systems for pollutant measurement; Development of new diesel fuel additives for reduced air pollution; Applications in the aircraft engine, automotive, steel, pulp and paper, energy and solid waste management industries.
S. Thorpe, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Professor)
Lassonde Mining Building, Room 212B; Tel. 416-978-8584
thorpe@ecf.utoronto.ca; Web
Research interest: Electrochemistry and corrosion; Production, structural characterization and properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline materials; Electrocatalysis; Surface science; Electronic packaging; Surface modification and corrosion of biomaterials.
Helen Tran, B.S. (UC Berkley), Ph.D (Columbia)
Department of Chemistry, Assistant Professor
Room: LM 514; tran@utoronto.ca; Web; Tel. 416-946-5763
Research interest: Next-generation electronics will autonomously respond to local stimuli and be seamlessly integrated with the human body, opening doors for remarkable opportunities in environmental monitoring, advanced consumer products, and health diagnostics for personalized therapy.
F. Wania, Geook (Bayreuth, German), Ph.D.
Division of Physical Sciences, U. of T. at Scarborough (Associate Professor)
Room S517; Tel. 416-287-7225; Email: frank.wania@utoronto.ca
Research interest: Environmental phase partitioning and transport of organic contaminants, specifically global fate of persistent contaminants, and air-surface exchange of semi-volatile organic compounds. Measurements and estimation methods of physical-chemical properties and environmental phase equilibria. Numerical modelling of environmental chemical behaviour.
M. Winnik, B.A. (Yale), Ph.D. (Columbia)
U of T University Professor
Department of Chemistry (Professor)
Email: mwinnik@chem.utoronto.ca; Website: http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/staff/MAW/