B. Chem. Eng. (Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai), Ph.D. (University of Notre Dame)
Canada Research Chair in Engineered Soft Materials and Interfaces
Principal Investigator, Laboratory of Complex Fluids
Room: WB368 | Tel.: 416-978-4162 | Email:
New Projects Available
- PhD project 1: Flow-induced coalescence and breakup rates of double emulsions and Janus droplets in creating polymer+drug microparticles
- PhD project 2: Evaluation of interfacial transport and microscale transport in a water-oil system by using a hyperspectral camera
Accepting graduate students? Yes
- PhD
Honours & Awards
- Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation Early Researcher Award, 2014
- Bill Burgess Teacher of the Year Award for large classes, 2014
- North American Mixing Forum Early Career Excellence Award in Mixing, 2013
- Invited article in Emerging Investigators special issue in Soft Matter, 2013
- American Oil Chemists’ Society S&D Division Junior Faculty Travel Grant, 2013
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
- Society of Rheology
- Biophysical Society
Research Interests
Our research group focuses on generating fundamental understanding in the area of suspensions of rigid and deformable particles (e.g. drops, elastic particles and vesicles), at the level of a few particles and also at high volume fractions. A detailed description of the research areas and projects in our group is available on our lab website.
All projects involve analytical, numerical and experimental components, and the experimental side requires, in particular, a significant effort in building new devices from scratch. So, if you like theory, or computation, or rigging up widgets, or perhaps even all of these, our group has some interesting projects to offer. Contact Prof. Ramachandran at for more details.
Selected Publications
G. Nirmal, T. F. Leary and A. Ramachandran, “Mass transfer dynamics in the dissolution of Taylor bubbles”, submitted to Soft Matter, (2018).
S. Goel, S. Ng, E. J. Acosta and A. Ramachandran, “The roles of contact time and contact pressure on the coalescence of water droplets suspended in concentrated bitumen solutions”, Fuel 223, 486-495 (2018).
Y. Li,C. Pan, Y. Li, E. Kumacheva and A. Ramachandran, “An exploration of the reflow technique for the fabrication of an in vitro microvascular system to study occlusive clots”, Biomed. Microdevices 19:82 (2017).
T. F. Leary and A. Ramachandran, “The hydrodynamics of segmented two-phase flow in a circular tube with rapidly dissolving drops”, Soft Matter 13, 3147-3160 (2017).
S. Goel and A. Ramachandran, “The suppression of droplet-droplet coalescence in a sheared yield stress fluid”, J. Colloid Int. Sci. 492, 199-206 (2017).
A. Ramachandran and L. G. Leal, “The effect of interfacial slip on the thin film drainage time for two equal-sized, surfactant-free drops undergoing a head-on collision: A scaling analysis”, accepted, Physical Review Fluids (2016).
G. Nirmal and A. Ramachandran, “Axial dispersion of a passive tracer in the pressure-driven flow of a concentrated suspension of rigid, non-colloidal and impermeable spheres at low Reynolds numbers”, Soft Matter, doi 10.1039/C6SM01397J (2016).
S. Goel and A. Ramachandran, “Two touching spherical drops in a uniaxial compressional flow: The effect of interfacial slip”, Phys. Fluids 28, 053303 (2016).
R. Sonthalia, S. Ng and A. Ramachandran, “Formation of extremely fine water droplets in sheared, concentrated bitumen solutions via surfactant-mediated tip streaming”, Fuel 180, 538-550 (2016).
Y. Li, O. S. Sariyer, A. Ramachandran, S. Panyukov, M. Rubinstein and E. Kumacheva, “Universal behavior of hydrogels confined to narrow capillaries”, Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 17017 (2015).