Nikolai DeMartini, Associate Professor, PhD
Director, Pulp & Paper Centre
NSERC Industrial Research Chair in the Role of Inorganics in the Industrial Processing of Woody Biomass
The role and fate of inorganics in the industrial processing of woody biomass with an emphasis on energy efficiency and emissions. Current topics include scaling in spent liquor evaporators and trace metals in alkaline solutions in the pulp and paper industry; and, the forms and release of inorganics during thermal conversion processes.
Room: WB225 | Tel.: 416-978-4318 | Email:
New Projects Available
- Reducing variability in soap recovery
- Image classification of the furnace bed volume in recovery boilers
- CFD modeling of smelt dissolving tanks – The effect of operational and dimensional parameters on smelt distribution, cooling and dissolution
- CFD modeling of biomass and hydrogen flames in the lime kilns of kraft pulp mills
Currently accepting graduate students? Yes
- PhD