To book any of the Department’s bookable rooms and/or laptops or projectors, please visit WB217 and speak to someone in the office.
Laptops and projectors are for Department graduate students, faculty and staff use only and are to be used in the building only unless special permission granted. Booked projectors and laptops can be picked up in WB217.
To view what room/equipment is available, click here. Login: chemeng, password: roombooking.
Room Bookings
Rooms available for booking: WB115(10), WB215(38), WB242(42), WB243(10), WB258(24), WB407(35).
Please find below the updated room booking policy. Note that while block booking will now be allowed in all three Chemical Engineering main meeting rooms (WB115, WB215, WB407), block booking can only be done for four months at a time starting January 1, May 1 and September 1.
Should someone with a higher priority level meeting need to book the room, your scheduled meeting could be bumped to another room if one is available. Reasonable notice will be given if you need to be bumped from your scheduled room. It is therefore advisable to book a room where your priority level is higher. You will be asked for the purpose of the meeting.
Booking is on a first-come first-serve basis through the Department’s main office in WB216A. Chemical Engineering Department bookings have priority in the three main meeting rooms. Meeting room hours are from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. After hours bookings can be made upon special request. Note that a Faculty member must be present during any after hours meeting and are responsible for ensuring all room rules are followed, room secured after use and key returned to the main office first thing next day.
Meeting Room Booking Priority List
Priority 1: Department Research group meetings
Priority 2: Department business
Priority 3: Department Grad orals/committee meetings
Priority 4: Other meetings, including other FASE Departments WB215
Priority 1: Department business
Priority 2: Department Grad orals/committee meetings
Priority 3: Department Research group meetings
Priority 4: Other meetings, including other FASE Departments WB115
Priority 1: Department Grad orals/committee meetings
Priority 2: Department Research group meetings
Priority 3: Department business
Priority 4: Other meetings, including other FASE Departments WB242
Priority 1: FASE – have first booking rights
Priority 2: Other meetings/classes/tutorials. WB243
Priority 1: FASE – have first booking rights
Priority 2: Other meetings/classes/tutorials
Note: WB243 cannot be booked if WB242 has Faculty classes/tutorials running in it WB258
Priority 1: Scheduled graduate classes
Priority 2: Other meetings/classes/tutorials (9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.)
We have several other rooms available to us to be used when our main meeting rooms are booked. The main office can assist in finding and scheduling possible meeting rooms.
- Classes/tutorials/class meetings cannot be booked in WB115, WB215 or WB407.
- If at the last minute (same day) any of the above mentioned rooms are not scheduled to be used, anyone is welcome to use it, including for teaching.
- If you book/block book a meeting room, you have a responsibility to provide reasonable notice to the main office if you cancel a meeting. Any questions or concerns, please contact the main office.
- Special requests for exceptions can be made in writing via email to Elizabeth Flannery explaining in detail the reason for the meeting and why it is of higher priority.
- When you finish using the room, it is your responsibility to clean up the room when you meeting ends, especially if food has been ordered. Please clean up any trash and wipe down tables and counter if necessary.
- Turn off all lights as well as projector, leave podium computer ON! Ensure projector is turned off completely!