2023 Student Life Catalyst Awards

The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Student Life Catalyst Awards. These awards seek to recognize deserving undergraduate and graduate students who are convocating this year for their significant contributions to the student life experience at the Department. Such contributions include undertaking formal leadership positions, initiating new programs or activities, providing significant support to existing activities and/or providing a positive example to which current and future students should aspire. Winners will be presented with a plaque during the Spring Convocation Reception on Tuesday, June 20.

To be considered, the nominees must:

  • be eligible to graduate at spring convocation (spring or fall for graduate students)
  • provide a 300-word personal statement on studentlife contributions made
  • provide a 100-word biographical citation to be used during award announcements
  • provide a headshot to be used in the announcement of these awards, if successful

The deadline to submit nominations is Friday, May 26 for both undergraduate and graduate students. Questions and applications may be submitted to Jennifer Hsu (jennifer.hsu@utoronto.ca).