U of T Engineering researcher Paul Chen earns Schmidt Science Fellowship

Paul ChenPaul Chen (ChemE PhD 2T2) has earned a Schmidt Science Fellowship for his research into engineering and nanotechnology. He is among only 29 Fellows from around the world in the 2022 cohort.

Growing up in Texas, then later in Calgary, Chen wasn’t too sure what he wanted from his career — but he did know that he loved building.

“When I was little, this meant using Lego bricks, cards, cassette tapes and anything else I could get my hands on. My family still jokes that I discovered countless ways to make walking hazards,” he says.

“In engineering, I saw a way in which atoms and molecules could become my new building blocks. I wanted to build materials that could help people.”

Today, Chen assembles atoms of metals — such as gold, silver and palladium — into nanoparticles that could unlock new ways of diagnosing or treating disease. His leading-edge work has earned him a 2022 Schmidt Science Fellowship, an honour he shares with 28 other researchers from around the world.

Read the full U of T Engineering News story.

Read the full Forbes story.