The application science and engineering principles to the pulp and paper industry has long been a vital part of our Department’s research activities, coordinated through the Pulp & Paper Centre, which was founded in 1987. Research is multidisciplinary with extensive linkages to the industry and other research organizations nationally and internationally. Research areas include applied chemistry (organic and, inorganic), chemical and energy recovery, sustainable energy, high temperature processes, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, process control, materials science, paper science, surface science, printing and converting, coating and calendering, microbiology, microscopy, environmental engineering, and bioprocess engineering.
The Pulp & Paper Centre offers enhanced training that is available to any interested graduate students across the University. Specific opportunities include a Professional Development Series with opportunities for students to develop their communication and leadership skills; leading edge, industrially relevant research projects; interaction with the Canadian and international industry including field research; an annual student conference; and international and national tours, the most recent of which was a 2 week tour to Brazil. We also have an active, international student chapter (TISCUT) that provides many social and professional development opportunities. Further details on the activities can be found on the Pulp & Paper Centre web site.
Cluster Members:
ChemE | Other departments and organizations |
Cluster Leader: H.N. Tran, Director, Pulp & Paper Centre D.G. Allen D.G.B. Boocock Y.-H. (Cathy) Chin W.R. Cluett N. DeMartini E.A. Edwards G.J. Evans R.R. Farnood M. Kawaji M.T. Kortschot E.R. Master C.A. Mims V.G. Papangelakis D.W. Reeve B. Saville R. Sodhi O. Trass N. Yan C.M. Yip (IBBME) | R. Andrews (Civil Eng) N. Ashgriz (MIE) D. Bagley (Civil Eng) M. Bussman (MIE) P. Cooper (Forestry) D.E. Cormack T. Davison (ECE) M.L. Diamond (Earth Sciences) A. Edwards (Banting Best) R. Fulthorpe (UT Scarb) D.F. James (MIE) D.C.S. Kuhn (U. Manitoba) R. Kwong (ECE) S.N. Liss (Queen’s University) S. Mabury (Chemistry) J. Repka (Math) M. Sain (Forestry) J. Spelt (MIE) P. Sullivan (MIE) M. Winnik (Chemistry) N. Yan (Forestry) |