Research Seminar: Navigating Sustainability through Energy, Water, and Medical Innovations

May 3, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
WB215; Teams


Sustainability has many facets and, in this presentation, I will share my recent research endeavors aimed at advancing sustainability in the realms of energy, water, and medicine. The first part of my talk delves into electrochemical transport phenomena in energy storage systems, with a focus on Li plating and dendritic growth on graphite/Li-metal anode, which are the leading causes of degradation and catastrophic failure for batteries under fast charging conditions. Deep understanding of these phenomena would facilitate the design of strategies to reduce, or completely suppress, the onset of lithium plating on the graphite anode, and the instabilities characterizing electrodeposition on the lithium metal anode.

In the second part of my talk, I will present my recent work on the efficient estimation of evapotranspiration for smart agriculture. This includes advancements that accelerate computational time by two orders of magnitude compared to the current standard approach. Finally, I will discuss two biomedical applications: blood transfusion and hypertonic treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). These efforts contribute to sustainable energy conversion and storage, sustainable agricultural practices, and sustainable blood management, steering us towards a more sustainable future.


Headshot of Weiyu LiWeiyu Li is a postdoctoral scholar in the Departments of Physics and Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University. Her research focuses on modeling and simulation of electrochemical transport in energy storage systems. She received her PhD in Energy Science and Engineering from Stanford University. Her other research interests include data assimilation and biomedical modeling. Prior to her doctoral studies, Weiyu obtained her M.Sc. degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University. Weiyu is the sole recipient of the Siebel Scholars Award in Energy Science, class of 2023. She has also received Henry J. Ramey Fellowship Award at Stanford University, and the Princeton University Fellowship in Natural Sciences and Engineering.


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