BASc (Changsha Institute of Technology), MASc (Alfred University), PhD (Alfred University)
Principal Investigator, In situ and correlative microscopy group
Joint appointment with the Dept. of Material Science and Engineering
Room PT172B | Tel.: tbd| Email: jane.howe@utoronto.ca
Honours & Awards
- Hitachi High-Technologies America Inc. President’s Gold Achievement Award, 2017
- Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer by the Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) of United States, 2014
- R&D 100 Award (Nanocomposite Separator for Improved Lithium Ion Battery), 2013
- R&D 100 Award (Development of the lithium sulfur cathode materials for rechargeable battery applications), 2010
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Significant Events Award, 2008
- Outstanding Mentor, Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Education, 2006
Research Areas
- In situ electron microscopy – characterization and property measurements of novel materials and nano-devices, and their real-time evolution during processing and operation
- Synthesis, property-structure relationship of new energy materials
Select Patents & Publications
Cao, S. Mukherjee, J.Y. Howe, D. Perovic, C.V. Singh, Y. Sun, and T. Filleter. Nonlinear fracture toughness measurement and crack propagation resistance of functionalized graphene multilayers, Science Advances, 4(4) eaao7202, 2018, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aao7202
M.S. Thompson, T.J. Zega, J.Y. Howe, In situ experimental formation and growth of Fe nanoparticles and vesicles in lunar soil, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 52(3), 413, 2017. DOI: 10.1111/maps.12798
J.Y. Howe, L.F. Allard, W. Bigelow, H. Demers, S.H. Overbury. Understand Catalyst Behavior During In Situ Heating Through Simultaneous Secondary And Transmitted Electron Imaging, Nano Research Letters, 9:614, 2014
J.Y. Howe, D.J. Burton, H.M. Meyer, M. Nazri, G.A. Nazri, A.C. Palmer, P.D. Lake, and Yue Qi, Improved Microstructure of Silicon/Carbon Nanofiber Composites as High-Performance Li Battery Anode, Journal of Power Source 221, 455-461, 2013.