S.T. Balke, B.Eng. (RMC), Ph.D. (McMaster), P.Eng.
Email: stephen.balke@utoronto.ca
POLYMER PROCESSING, IN-LINE MONITORING AND ANALYSIS. Polymer and particle de-mixing during extrusion as a basis for novel processes. Fiber-optic assisted instruments are used to measure composition, colour and particulates in-line during processing. Multi-detector size exclusion chromatography interpretation. Chemometrics (computer implemented numerical methods, including statistics), image analysis and computer simulation of polymer processing.
D. Barham, B.Sc.Eng., D.I.C., A.R.S.M., Ph.D. (London)
D.G.B. Boocock, B.Sc., A.R.C.S., C.I.C., Ph.D. (London), D.I.C.
Room 357; Tel.: 416-978-4020; Email: david.boocock@utoronto.ca
Fuels, chemicals and other products from solid wastes and renewable resources. The production of linear hydrocarbons and methyl esters (Biodiesel) from vegetable oils and waste fats.
M.E. Charles, B.Sc. (London), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Alberta), F.C.A.E., F.E.I.C., F.C.I.C., P.Eng.
Room WB357; Tel. 416-978-5890; Email: michael.charles@utoronto.ca
The life cycle of carbon and its impact on climate change. Board of Directors, Canadian Academy of Engineering (President-Elect 2009-2010); Board of Directors, Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations; Panel of Auditors for Ontario Undergraduate Program Reviews, Council of Ontario Universities; Scientific Review Panel, Alberta Advanced Education and Technology; Chair, Nominations for Awards and Honours Committee, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto.
Y.-L. Cheng, S.B., S.M. (MIT), Ph.D. (Stanford)
Room: WB339 | Tel.: 416-978-5500/416-978-4402 | Email: yuling.cheng@utoronto.ca
Global engineering, appropriate technologies, global health, off-grid sanitation, integrated innovation, drug delivery, diffusion and transport in polymeric and physiologic systems.
L.L. Diosady, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., (Toronto), P.Eng., C.Eng, F.C.I.C, F.C.A.E, F.C.I.F.S.T.
Room MY789; Tel.: 416-978-4137; Email: l.diosady@utoronto.ca
Food Engineering - the application of chemical engineering principles to the processing of agricultural products for concurrent recovery of food, nutraceuticals and biofuels. Process development for recovering oil, vegetable proteins and valuable minor components based on modern membrane separation technologies. Catalytic hydrogenation of edible oils. Nitrite-free meat curing. Study of chemical and functional changes during extrusion, in line monitoring of extrusion and other food processes. Microencapsulation of food ingredients and nutraceuticals for controlled release of micronutrients in food fortification - both for international development, and for the North American food industry.
F.R. Foulkes, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng.
Room WB30; Tel.: 416-978-6432; Email: foulkes@ecf.utoronto.ca
Applied electrochemistry; fuel cells; batteries; energy conversion; corrosion (especially corrosion of metals embedded in concrete exposed to road salt); computer simulation of electrochemical cells and processes.
M. Kawaji, B.A.Sc. (Toronto), M.S., Ph.D. (U. California, Berkeley), P.Eng., FCIC, FASME
Email: masahiro.kawaji@utoronto.ca
Multiphase flow and phase change heat transfer, transport phenomena, microfluidics, micro-heat pipes, nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics and safety analysis, microgravity fluid physics and transport phenomena, thermal diffusion, advanced instrumentation, numerical simulation of free surface problems, compact heat exchangers, thermal analysis of Kraft Recovery boilers and lime kilns, sustainable energy, biofuels production, and thermal energy storage.
M. Kortschot, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Cambridge), P.Eng.
Room: WB420B | Tel. 416-978-8926 | Email: mark.kortschot@utoronto.ca
3D PRINTING OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS: Structure/property relationships for polymers and composite materials created through additive manufacturing. Development of novel 3D printing software and hardware. ENGINEERING DESIGN: Creative Product Design with an emphasis on novelty and materials selection and the resultant intellectual property issues. Please note that Professor Kortschot is not taking new graduate students at this time.
C.A. Mims, B.S. (Texas), Ph.D. (Berkeley)
Email: charles.mims@utoronto.ca
Heterogeneous reactions, materials processing and advanced materials characterization with focus on mechanisms of energy related catalytic reactions, including isotope tracing and surface analytic techniques. Directs CFI-funded Ontario Centre for Characterization of Advanced Materials (OCCAM), with wide impact in R&D.
G. Norval, BASc, MASc, PhD (Toronto), PEng, FCIC
Tel. 905-466-2940; Email: graeme.norval@utoronto.ca
Process safety management including manufacture and handling of toxic and flammable chemicals, engineering education for safe design.
J.C. Paradi, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng., FCAE (Toronto)
Room WB257; Tel. 416-978-6924x1; Email: paradi@mie.utoronto.ca
Chair holder in Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship, Executive Director, the Centre for Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship. Research interests concentrate on the Financial Services Industry and the communications carriers' technology and performance evaluation needs. Productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in the services industries are the major focus of the work. This includes the examination of productivity measures for independent Decision Making Units ("DMU"). Such groups include software development teams, branch employees and management, loan portfolio lending teams, credit rating of corporate loans, international banking, client profiles, credit card fraud, etc. This area of research involves the Data Envelopment Analysis ("DEA") approach and modelling of the DMUs in the collaborating real-world corporations. We also work in new approaches to testing large-scale software; quality in software development; Technological Change as a Competitive Weapon; evaluation of the effects of risk (technological, environmental, economic, competitive etc.). We have a deep interest in the rapidly emerging e-Commerce field, specifically in the on-line banking segment and in the arbitrated commerce area. This work comprises of the development of e-Commerce strategies in an on-line environment where both buyer and seller “deal” simultaneously. Much work is oriented towards the understanding of the underlying mechanisms and inherent technological and human factors issues.
D. Reeve B.Sc. (UBC), M.Sc (UofT), Ph.D. (Toronto)
Email: doug.reeve@utoronto.ca
Troost ILead; Engineering leadership development; Pulp & Paper Centre
H. Tran B.Sc. (Shizuoka), M.Eng. (Shizuoka), Ph.D. (Toronto), P.Eng.
Room WB365; Tel. 416-978-8585; Email: honghi.tran@utoronto.ca
Advanced technologies and strategies for increasing energy and chemical recovery efficiencies in the kraft pulping process; control of deposit formation and high temperature corrosion in industrial boilers and rotary kilns; utilization of biosludge; thermal conversion of biomass to fuel; combustion behaviours of solid biofuel mixtures.
O. Trass, B.S.E. (Princeton), Sc.D. (MIT), F.C.I.C., P.Eng.
Room WB117; Tel. 416-978-6901; Email: olev.trass@utoronto.ca
Experimental and theoretical studies of fluid mechanics and mass transfer: flow visualization, solid-fluid transfer, erosion, rough-surface phenomena. Comminution and particle dynamics: performance and modeling of the novel Szego Mill; coal benefication by simultaneous grinding and oil agglomeration; chemical cleaning of coal to remove organic sulfur; grinding of waste cellulosics for use as reinforcing fillers in composite plastics; aerodynamic classification of particles; simultaneous grinding and leaching, extraction or chemical reactions.