MEng Events Calendar

Welcome to our MEng Events sections! This section is to highlight some of the happenings in our program. Although all program events are for current MEng students only, it will give prospective students a flavour of the student events and co-curricular opportunities available through our MiC Series.

Prospective students are encouraged to attend in-person and online informational sessions to learn more about our program, participate and ask questions. As we draw our student population from the entire globe, we are sensitive to different time zones and accommodate accordingly.

Note that all info session times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST) which is the time zone in Toronto.


July 15 - ChemE MEng Summer Social Event

June 6 - MiC: MEng Site Visit to Zeton

May 30 - MiC: Alumni Speaker Series - Ishita Aggarwal


March 31 - 6th ChemE Exhibition & 37th Dinner

March 21 - MiC: Veolia Visits MEng Program

March 14 - MiC: Alumni Speaker Series - Grisha Dialani

February 23 - MiC: Roundtable Discussion

February 22 - MEng in-person Info Sessions @ UTM / @ UTSC

February 21 -MiC: MEng Site Visit to Stelco Lake Erie Works

January 20 - MiC: Alumni Speaker Series - Anna Lacourt

FALL 2022

December 14 - MiC: Alumni Speaker Series - Rohit Pal

November 11 - MiC: MEng Roundtable

November 1 - MEng Survey

October 28 - MiC: Alumni Speaker Series - Yourong Li

September 29 - MEng Project Presentation Day