Professor Arthur Chan (ChemE) and Samantha Cheung (ChemE PhD candidate) are among eight organizers of the first-ever U of T Engineering Research Conference (UTERC).
Nearly 100 undergraduate and graduate students will be taking part in the inaugural conference happening June 9 and 10. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the event will be broadcast digitally, with students presenting their research as poster presentations via Twitter, or through non-technical lightning lectures on Zoom.
The conference will feature the latest in undergraduate and graduate research in six key areas: advanced manufacturing; data analytics and artificial intelligence; human health; robotics; sustainability; and water. Industry partners and alumni are also invited to connect with students and discuss the work.
The idea to host a virtual conference was hatched after the university shutdown in March. With no access to labs, many students’ experimental work has been put on pause. U of T Engineering’s Graduate Engineering Council of Students (GECoS) began brainstorming.
“I thought a virtual conference would be useful for those looking for ways to progress their academic and professional development during this time when many conferences have been cancelled and some of us have less work to do,” says Samantha Cheung (ChemE PhD candidate), UTERC organizer and president of GECoS mental wellness commission.
“When Sam approached us with this idea, we fully supported the initiative,” says Chaim Katz (IBBME PhD candidate), Chair of GECoS. “We’ve been supporting the conference team’s efforts since and are looking forward to what will be an excellent opportunity to showcase research going on at U of T Engineering.”
After receiving positive feedback from students, faculty and staff, Cheung immediately created a committee made up of faculty and graduate students to plan a conference to be held within two months.
“I’m most excited to see people from various backgrounds connecting and engaging with each other through these online platforms,” says Cheung. “I think the best part about hosting this virtual conference is the ability for people from all over the world to participate.”
The organizers have even considered another important aspect of most academic conferences: the networking. In addition to participants asking questions during posters and talks, UTERC will also facilitate networking with breakout sessions and through Slack.
Cheung hopes the success of the Faculty’s first-ever virtual conference serves as a framework for future events at U of T Engineering and for other institutions that want to engage their research community.
“Right now, we are all adjusting to new living circumstances and ways to socialize,” says Cheung. “UTERC is a reminder that the U of T Engineering community is here to support our students even if we aren’t physically together.”
Learn more and register for UTERC: uoft.me/uterc2020