Current Student Research Opportunities

Faculty members in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry frequently look for students to help out with research projects. These projects are suitable for a Fourth Year thesis (CHE499Y, or ESC499Y), a project for a Master of Engineering (MEng) degree, or a Summer Research project in the Summer Research Abroad program.

All faculty have research projects for students. Not all projects are listed below. You can contact faculty members directly to inquire about other possible projects or to propose your own project.

Project Descriptions and Contact Information

Air pollutant emissions from the oil sands and impact on the local First Nations community: Fort McKay

Analysis of liquid and solid samples from a pulp and paper mill

Applying machine learning to biomaterials design

Aspen Simulations

Biochar as a tool for alleviating climate change

Bouillon cube fortification

Centre for Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship (CMTE) projects using machine learning and data science related to operations and finance with industry sponsors

Chemical Engineering Education: Chemical Engineering Curriculum Revitalization Project

Comparing encapsulation processes by spray drying and for interface coagulation

Data-driven Genome-scale Models

Data Science and Analytics in Engineering Education I

Data Science and Analytics in Engineering Education II

Design of novel photocatalytic reactors

Development of method for field testing for folic acid in salt

Development of method for field testing for iodine in salt

Engineering Education Research

Engineering of organic solar cells

Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Ionic Clays

Feasibility Study of Producing In-House Biodiesel to Supply Fuel on Campus

Generative Modeling for Enzyme Design

Green and solvent free polymeric membrane fabrication for harsh chemical separation settings

Green production of fine chemicals from renewable resources using photocatalysis

Intelligent Design of Biomaterials for Mucoadhesion

Making of proteins for diabetes prevention from granado beans

MEng Student Researcher - Literature Review for Selenium Removal Cost Analysis

Metabolic Engineering for Bio-Nylon Production

Microencapsulation of micronutrients for salt fortification

Microencapsulation of micronutrients for tea fortification

Modelling carbon stocks using machine learning techniques

Multifunctional sensors array for smart skin applications

Novel Lithium-Ion Battery Components for Enhanced Performance and Safety

Phosphorous in the Causticization Plant of Pulp Mills – Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies

Plastic waste and biowaste pyrolysis

Project PS002-2022: Modelling and Simulation of Frosting Behaviour in Contact Ambient Air Vaporizers

Projects in Air Pollution, Health and Climate

Projects in Food Engineering

Projects in the Green Technologies Lab

Protein Sequence Functional Inference

Sample Analysis and Mill Balances For Mill Sampling Campaign

Scale up of a set of materials we developed in the dye and pigment space

Solubility studies for P in the recaust cycle of kraft pulp mills

Soy Stearin replacement

Stability of Added Vitamins During Food Preparation

TiO2 replacement as colour masking agent

Using growth conditions to control the production of valuable products from algae

Wastewater-based surveillance for emerging or seasonal pathogens