Masters of Engineering (MEng)

Professionalize. Upgrade. Elevate.

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From Our Students

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MEng Student Spotlight

Emma Su
Emma Su, MEng Representative 2022-23 (Class of 2023)

July, 2023

As MEng rep, Emma Su has enjoyed the ability to meet many new people, try out new things and new recipes--in case you didn’t know, Emma has been one of the two bakers for the CEGSA “Fika Friday” events where on almost all Fridays, the CEGSA student union holds a weekly social at the Grad Room providing coffee, baked goods and ping pong!

Naayaab Nagree, MEng Student and co-winner of the MEng Project of the Year (Class of 2023)
Naayaab Nagree, MEng Student and co-winner of the MEng Project of the Year (Class of 2023)

May/June, 2023

Co-winner for the inaugural MEng Project of the Year Award, Naayaab Nagree, has been working in the Food Engineering Research Group under the supervision of Professor Levente Diosady since the first semester of his MEng. The option to take on a research project in addition to coursework is a strong influence in choosing our program.

Tianjie Feng, MEng Student and co-winner of the MEng Project of the Year (Class of 2023)
Tianjie Feng, MEng Student and co-winner of the MEng Project of the Year (Class of 2023)

May/June, 2023

Co-winner for the inaugural MEng Project of the Year Award, Tianjie Feng, is a University of Toronto Alum, graduating from Environmental Chemistry at UTSC. Prior to joining the MEng program in 2021, a former MEng graduate referred Tianjie to Professor Charles Jia and his Green Technology Lab as potential fit for a future MEng Project—and it most certainly was a great match!

Questions about getting started? Drop us a line to find out more!