MEng Courses

We developed our MEng Program to give students the opportunity to customize their education according to their needs. There are no prerequisite or mandatory courses required to complete our program, however, it is important to review the program requirements in order develop your academic plan.

MEng students are able to take any graduate-level course (including classes outside our department) in addition to 500-level undergraduate courses. Below are some tips on understanding the U of T course code legend.


  • All CHE courses beginning with 14** are MEng only courses (open to all MEng students from all Engineering Departments)
  • Take an emphasis or two. If you take two , you can only double count ONE course for both emphases
  • There are no required/mandatory courses to complete a ChemE MEng
  • Plan your full academic schedue before you begin your program, but be open to changes
  • You are able to take most courses from other Engineering Departments or other Faculties
  • Talk to current students or alumni to gain a student perspective from past courses