MEng Requirements & Course Load

MEng Requirements:

10 half-credit (H) graduate-level courses* in total, including:

Of the courses chosen above:

  • No more than 3 can be
    500-level courses
  • No more than 4 can be
    non-technical courses

* All courses must be successfully completed  (e.g., courses with a grade of FZ, INC, IPR, NCR, or WDR, or courses marked as "Extra", do not count towards your MEng requirements)
** Must complete departmental Safety Training (CHE2222H) before starting an MEng Project (even if your project is not in a lab)
*** All CHE graduate level courses are technical

Questions? Our MEng Advisor Can Help. Make an appointment today!

Sarah Johns

If you have questions about the MEng requirements or course load, or if you are experiencing problems that are affecting your academic performance, contact our MEng Advisor for help:

Current students can also set up an in-person or virtual appointment themselves using this link.