ChemE Pearson Scholar shares thoughts on her first weeks at U of T Engineering

Buse Guler, Year 1 ChemE — Istanbul, Turkey

Buse Guler studying at home in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo courtesy Buse Guler)
Buse Guler studying at home in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo courtesy Buse Guler)

Even before starting her first year, Guler has already spent time as an intern in a chemical engineering lab. “Conducting experiments of my own design really excites me,” she says.

She chose U of T Engineering because of its status as one of the best engineering schools in the world, but also because of its diverse community and rich student life.

“I like that U of T cares a lot about its students learning experience, providing them with many different opportunities,” she says. “Growing up in a diverse and vibrant city like Istanbul has affected the way I was raised. Although I never visited Toronto, I feel like I will really enjoy it for the same reasons.”

While Guler is studying remotely from Istanbul for now, she is still planning to get involved in activities such as the Professional Engineering Year Co-op Program when she arrives.

“Four years from now, I expect I will be working part-time in the company where I completed PEY Co-op while finishing up my senior year studies at U of T,” she says. “I see myself as a significant part of the community.”

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