Faculty Members

Acosta, Edgar J.

Edgard Acosta 2Edgar J. Acosta, Professor, PhD. (Oklahoma), P.Eng.

Colloids and Formulation Engineering. Formulation, characterization, and phase behavior of surfactant-based fluids: micelles, microemulsions, emulsions, foams, dispersions, lung surfactants and liquid crystals. Surfactant-based processes: oil and bitumen extraction, remediation of oil spills, polymers and nanoparticle synthesis, aqueous solvent extraction.

Room: WB131 | Tel.: 416-946-0742 | Email: edgar.acosta@utoronto.ca

Allen, D. Grant

grant allenD. Grant Allen, Professor, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Waterloo), F.C.I.C., F.A.A.A.S., P.Eng.
Frank Dottori Chair in Pulp and Paper Engineering

Bioprocess engineering and its environmental applications. Biological Waste Treatment: performance and design of biological treatment systems for toxicity reduction in pulp mill effluents, biological treatment of chlorinated organic compounds, biofiltration of air pollutants. Bioconversion of waste water and waste solids into value added fuels, chemicals, materials and biosolids dewatering. Microalgae production from carbon dioxide, sunlight and wastewater for production of biofuels and biochemicals. Biofilm formation and adhesion. Microbiology and floc formation in waste treatment systems and the development of techniques of monitoring microbial communities.

Room: WB363 | Tel.: 416-978-8517 | Email: dgrant.allen@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Photocatalytic pretreatment for anaerobic treatment of pulp mill wastewaters (with Frank Gu)
  • Microfluidics for direct carbon capture by algae in buildings (with Ben Hatton, MSE)

Currently accepting graduate students? Yes

  • MASc

Azimi, Gisele

Gisele AzimiGisele Azimi Professor (ChemE/MSE), B.A.Sc. and M.A.Sc. (Sharif University of Technology), Ph.D. (Toronto), P.Eng, Post-doc (MIT)
co-Director, Ontario Centre for the Characterisation of Advanced Materials (OCCAM)
Canada Research Chair in Urban Mining Innovation

My research lies at the intersection of “Process Engineering”, “Electrochemistry” and “Materials Science” and combines fundamental science and engineering principals to arrive at solutions for real world applications, including: Developing innovative supercritical, electrochemical, and hydrometallurgical processes for the extraction and processing of strategic materials including rare earth elements, platinum group metals, lithium, cobalt, and iron; Developing novel generations of post lithium of rechargeable batteries that can significantly address the sustainability challenges in terms of energy, environment, and materials; The design and fabrication of advanced materials with controlled properties including high temperature ceramics, hydrophobic and scalephobic surfaces, and functionalized membranes for solid-liquid extraction.

Room: WB113 | Tel.: 416-946-7568 | Email: g.azimi@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Recycling of lithium ion batteries. We will look at different aspects of the recycling process of various cathode materials like NMC and LFP.
  • Supercritical fluid extraction for the recovery of valuable metals from primary and secondary resources.
  • Development of lithium ion and aluminum ion batteries. We will focus on development of cathode materials and electrolytes.
  • Extraction of rare earth elements from uncommon ore materials. We will develop the extraction process and elucidate the process mechanism.

Currently accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD

Bender, Timothy P.

Tim BenderTimothy P. Bender Professor, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Carleton)

Organic Photovoltaic Devices including design, synthesis and crystal engineering of light harvesting organic materials, hole- and electron-transporting organic materials and polymers, chemical process engineering, design of experiments, parallel chemistry, molecular modeling.

Room: WB212 | Tel.: 416-978-6140 | Email: tim.bender@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Accelerated materials development.
  • Materials development via applied chemistry and/or chemistry to be developed.
  • Physical characterization of materials for applications.
  • Materials development for applications – and are engineered in the laboratory.
  • Engineering organic solar cells (OSCs)/organic photovoltaics (OPVs).
  • Engineering organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs).
  • Life cycle analysis of OSCs/OPVs and OLEDs in true environment.
  • Sustainability chemical processes.
  • Sustainable materials for applications.

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD & MASc

Chan, Ariel

Ariel ChanAriel Chan, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Ph.D. (Queen’s), P.Eng.

Courses: CHE304 – Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Lab III, CHE305 – Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Lab IV, CHE274-Engineering Economic and Analysis, CHE374 – Economic Analysis and Decision Making, APS490- Multidisciplinary Capstone.

Research Interests: Experiential learning and curriculum design, VR/AR immersive technology development for education and process safety training, and data science for EDI and engineering education.

Room: WB24 | Tel. 416-978-4320 | E-mail: ariel.chan@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

Research Projects on Engineering Education:
  • Life Cycle Assessment in Sustainable Fuel Productions
  • Modularized Common Chemical Process and Equipment Design
  • Association of Language Complexity and Competency on Academic Performance-A Data Analytic/AI Approach
  • Leaky Pipeline Effect on PhD Students and Early Career Faculty from Underrepresented Communities in Engineering

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • MEng

Chan, Arthur

Arthur Chan 2Arthur Chan Associate Professor, B.S. (Pennsylvania), M.S., Ph.D. (CIT)
Canada Research Chair in Atmospheric Chemistry and Health

Analytical techniques for resolving complex organic mixtures, atmospheric chemistry, particulate matter and human health, organic aerosols.

Room: WB201B | Tel.: (416)-978-2602 | Email: arthurwh.chan@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Chemicals in airborne tire wear particles
  • Nanofiber emissions from laundry
  • Chemical evolution of nanoplastic particles

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD & MASc

Chin, Ya-Huei (Cathy)

Y-H ChinYa-Huei (Cathy) Chin Professor, B.Sc. (Oklahoma), M.Sc. (Oklahoma), Ph.D. (UC Berkeley)
Associate Chair, Research
Canada Research Chair in Advanced Catalysis for Sustainable Chemistry

Applications of multidisciplinary research strategy (kinetic and isotopic techniques, spectroscopy, and theoretical modeling) to advance fundamental, molecular scale understanding of heterogeneous catalytic processes. Understand heterogeneous catalytic science, deciphering the structures and dynamics of catalyst surfaces and connecting these surface events at the atomic scale to their macroscopic catalytic behavior for fuel processing, chemical synthesis, and emission control technologies.

Room: WB12 | Tel: 416-978-8868 | Email: cathy.chin@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • industrial catalytic technology developing: understanding the effects of microenvironment in sustainable chemical and fuel synthesis
  • bridging thermo- and electro-catalysis in the synthesis of sustainable liquid fuel
  • connect the structure and reactivity of transition metal catalysts in C-H, C-O, C-C bond activation

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD

Cluett, Will R.

William R. Cluett Professor, B.Sc. (Queen’s), Ph.D. (Alberta), P.Eng

System identification, control and design. Systems biology.

Room: WB341 | Email: will.cluett@utoronto.ca

DeMartini, Niko

Niko DeMartiniNikolai DeMartini, Assistant Professor, PhD
Director, Pulp & Paper Centre
NSERC Industrial Research Chair in the Role of Inorganics in the Industrial Processing of Woody Biomass

The role and fate of inorganics in the industrial processing of woody biomass with an emphasis on energy efficiency and emissions. Current topics include scaling in spent liquor evaporators and trace metals in alkaline solutions in the pulp and paper industry; and, the forms and release of inorganics during thermal conversion processes.

Room: WB225 | Tel.: 416-978-4318 | Email: nikolai.demartini@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Reducing variability in soap recovery
  • Image classification of the furnace bed volume in recovery boilers
  • CFD modeling of smelt dissolving tanks – The effect of operational and dimensional parameters on smelt distribution, cooling and dissolution
  • CFD modeling of biomass and hydrogen flames in the lime kilns of kraft pulp mills

Currently accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD

Edwards, Elizabeth A.

Elizabeth EdwardsElizabeth A. Edwards University Professor, B.Eng., M.Eng (McGill), Ph.D. (Stanford), P.Eng.

Biodegradation and bioremediation of groundwater pollutants such as aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents. Industrial wastewater treatment with a focus on anaerobic digestion. Kinetics and biochemical pathways of microbial degradative reactions. Identification of microbial species capable of anaerobic biodegradation. Molecular biology and metagenomics in environmental microbiology.

Room: WB420D | Tel.: 416-946-3506 | Email: elizabeth.edwards@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Anaerobic microbial biotransformation of pollutants

Accepting graduate students? Potentially

  • MASc, MEng & PhD

Evans, Greg J.

Greg EvansGreg J. Evans Professor, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng., FCAE, FAAAS
Director, Southern Ontario Centre for Atmospheric and Aerosol Research (SOCAAR); Director, Institute for Studies in Transdisciplinary Engineering Education and Practice (ISTEP)

Urban Air Pollution: traffic related air pollutants, population exposure, air pollutant toxicity, climate change.
Measurement Methods: advanced instrumentation, chemical analysis, inexpensive sensors, aerosol and environmental chemistry.
Data Mining: source identification, geospatial modeling, smart cities.
Engineering Education: transdisciplinary competencies, lab-based learning, metacognition and lifelong skills development.

Room: WB127 | Tel.: 416-978-1821 | Email: greg.evans@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Traffic Related Air Pollution
  • Particle Emission from Vehicle Brakes and Tires
  • Impact of Wildfires on Air Quality
  • Engineering Education Research

Accepting graduate students? Potentially

  • PhD & MASc

Farmer, Jennifer

JFarmerJennifer Farmer, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Ph.D. (York)
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Student Experience

Courses: Applied Chemistry- Laboratory I (CHE204F), Applied Chemistry- Laboratory II (CHE205S), Applied Chemistry IV – Applied Polymer Chemistry, Science and Engineering (CHE562).

Research Interests: Engineering Education, in particular lab-based learning and active learning pedagogy.

Room: WB216B | Tel.: 416-978-6561 | E-mail: jennifer.farmer@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Chemical Engineering Education based projects

Accepting graduate students? Potentially

  • MASc

Farnood, Ramin R.

Ramin R. Farnood Professor, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. (Sharif), Ph.D. (Toronto)
Chair, Dept. of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry

Green synthesis of value-added chemicals from waste biomass via photocatalysis. High-rate technologies for wastewater treatment and resource recovery, including membrane separation, ultraviolet disinfection, and advanced oxidation. Mathematical modeling.

Room: WB221 | Tel.: 416-978-1516  | Email: ramin.farnood@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Photocatalytic conversion of biomass to value added chemicals

Currently accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD & MASc

Galatro, Daniela

Daniela GalatroDaniela Galatro, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, MSc (UNEXPO), PhD (Toronto)

Courses: Heat and Mass Transfer (CHE210), Data-based Modelling for Prediction and Control (CHE507),

Petroleum Processing (CHE451), Team Strategies for Engineering Design (CHE334) 

Research Interests: Engineering Education; Data Analytics, and Machine Learning Applied to Process Engineering

Room: WB28 | Tel.: 416-978-1143 | Email: daniela.galatro@utoronto.ca

Gregor, Rachel

Rachel Gregor, Assistant Professor (starting March 2025)

B.Sc. and Ph.D (Ben-Gurion University), Postdoc (MIT)

Principal Investigator, Microbial Chemical Ecology Lab and BioZone- Centre for Applied Bioscience and Bioengineering

Understanding and engineering environmental microbial communities through their chemistry.

Keywords: untargeted metabolomics, environmental and marine microbiology, drug discovery, natural products, mass spectrometry, high-throughput analysis, multi-omics, marine carbon cycle, microbiome engineering, microbial ecology.

Email: rachel.gregor@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • High-throughput mapping of specialized metabolite production by marine bacteria
  • Metabolic regulation of the bacterial degradation of marine polysaccharides

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD & MASc


Gu, Frank

Frank Gu Professor, Ph.D. (Queen’s), Postdoc (MIT-Harvard)
Director, Institute for Water Innovation (IWI)
Principal Investigator, Laboratory of Nanomedicine and Water Sustainability
NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair in Nanotechnology Engineering

Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter generally in the 1–100 nm dimension range. Detailed understanding of chemical interactions and recent technological advances have created the possibility of designing nano-structured materials tailored for specific applications. Professor Gu heads an interdisciplinary research group that combines functional polymers and metal oxide materials to solve problems in health, environmental protection, and industrial applications.

Room: MY871 | Tel.: 416-978-8518 | Email: f.gu@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Design of self-driving lab for agriculture
  • ML and automation for evaluation of material surface properties
  • Design of novel ionically gelled hyaluronic acid polymers

Currently accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD & MASc

Jia, Charles Q.

charles jiaCharles Q. Jia Professor, B.Eng., M.Eng. (Chongqing), Ph.D. (McMaster), P.Eng.
Associate Chair, Continuing Professional Development

Nanoporous carbons for air and water purification and capacitive electrical energy storage; nanoporous carbon synthesis from biomass and industrial wastes; industrial waste valorization; environmental and industrial applications of inorganic sulphur chemistry; simulation of environmental fate, transport and impact of pollutants.

Room: WB326 | Tel.: 416-946-3097 | Fax: 416-978-8605 | Email: cq.jia@utoronto.ca

Kirk, Donald W.

Donald W. Kirk Professor, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng.

Electrochemical engineering, design, modelling, electrocatalyst development, reaction kinetic studies, activated carbon for electrodes in supercapacitors and batteries, and carbon sequestration .

Room: WB246 | Tel.: 416-978-7406 | Email: don.kirk@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Hydrocarbonization of plastics
  • Electrochemical CO2 conversion

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • MASc

Lawryshyn, Yuri A.

Yuri LawryshynYuri A. Lawryshyn Professor, B.A.Sc. (Toronto), M.A.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Toronto), MBA (Ivey/UWO), FinEng-Dipl. (Schulich/York), P.Eng.
Director, Centre for Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship
Joseph C. Paradi Chair in Information Engineering

Applying Information Technology with analytical and numerical methods to solve complex, but practical, problems. Research areas: real options analysis, business process optimization, financial engineering, asset management in the municipal environmental sector and environmental research.

Room: WB256 | Tel: 416-946-0576 | Email: yuri.lawryshyn@utoronto.ca

Lawson, Christopher

Chris LawsonChristopher E. Lawson, Assistant Professor, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. (UBC), Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Post-doc (Berkeley Lab)

Principal Investigator, Microbiome Engineering Lab and BioZone — Centre for Applied Bioscience and Bioengineering

Microbiome engineering, systems biology, synthetic biology, microbial ecology, machine learning, biological waste treatment, resource recovery, environmental biotechnology.

Room: 412 | Email: chris.lawson@utoronto.ca

Mahadevan, Radhakrishnan

R Mahadevan

Radhakrishnan Mahadevan Professor, B.Tech. (Indian Institute of Technology), Ph.D. (Delaware)

Acting Associate Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Development
Canada Research Chair in Metabolic Systems Engineering

Systems biology, synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, metabolic modeling and model-based design, bioprocess optimization & control, artificial intelligence, machine learning, dynamic control of metabolism, industrial biotechnology for biochemicals and biofuels, environmental biotechnology, Carbon fixation, biomedical systems, human metabolism, gut microbiome, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling, personalized nutrition and medicine.

Room: WB213 | Tel.: 416-946-0996 | Email: krishna.mahadevan@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Machine learning for bio catalyst engineering
  • Bioengineering Mine Tailings for Nickel Extraction
  • Hybrid Deterministic and Machine Learning for Metabolic Engineering

Currently accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD & MASc

Master, Emma R.

E Master

Emma R. Master Professor, B.Sc. (McGill), Ph.D. (UBC), Post-doc., KTH, Stockholm Sweden
DirectorBioZone – Centre for Applied Bioscience and Bioengineering

Discovery, design and production of enzymes that synthesize new bio-derived materials and value-added chemicals from renewable plant sources.

Room: WB420C | Tel.: 416-946-7861 | Email: emma.master@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Enzyme engineering
  • Biocatalytic synthesis of bio-based materials

Currently accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD & MASc

McGuigan, Alison P.

Alison McGuigan

Alison P. McGuigan Professor, MEng. (Oxford), PhD (Toronto), Post-Doc (Harvard, Stanford)

Canada Research Chair in Tissue Engineering and Disease Modelling

Tissue engineering, microfabrication, disease modeling, systems biology, 2D and 3D cell organization and self-assembly, cell migration, tissue patterning and boundaries, modelling tissue organization mechanisms, in vitro drug screening tools.

Room: WB338 | Tel.: 416-978-7552 | Email: alison.mcguigan@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

Adipose tissue engineering and Cancer Biology

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD

Moosavi, Seyed Mohamad

Seyed Mohamad MoosaviSeyed Mohamad Moosavi, Assistant Professor, B.Sc. (Sharif Univ.), M.Sc. and Ph.D. (EPFL)

Principal Investigator, AI4ChemS group and Faculty Affiliate at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence

Vision: Autonomous multi-scale materials design and discovery
Methods: machine learning, artificial intelligence, molecular simulation
Area: energy materials, porous materials
Applications: gas separation, catalysis, energy storage, carbon capture

Room: WB365 | Tel.: 416-978-7532 | Email: mohamad.moosavi@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Large Language Models for Chemical Discovery
  • Deep Learning for Chemical Geometry
  • Materials Discovery for Carbon Capture and Battery thermal Cooling

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD & MASc

Newman, Roger C.

Roger C. Newman

Roger C. Newman Professor, MA, PhD (Cambridge), DSc, CEng, FECS, FIMMM, FNACE, FICorr (Hon)
UNENE Senior Industrial Research Chair in Corrosion and Materials Performance in Nuclear Power Systems

Corrosion and protection of metals, stress corrosion cracking, metallic nanomaterials, sensors, coatings, membranes, nuclear power systems and waste management, oil and gas production and refining, pulp and paper.

Room: WB224 | Tel.: 416-946-0604 | Email: roger.newman@utoronto.ca

Neyhouse, Bertrand

Bertrand Neyhouse Assistant Professor (starting June 2025)
B.Sc. (Ohio University), Ph.D. (MIT), Postdoc (Michigan)
Principal Investigator, Neyhouse Research Group

My research group focuses on the design and scale-up of electrochemical systems, applying foundational chemical engineering principles to intensify electrochemical manufacturing. We are particularly interested in sustainable energy conversion technologies and grid-scale energy storage. Our work leverages reactor engineering, mathematical modeling, electrochemical synthesis, electrocatalysis, materials engineering, and techno-economic analysis.

Email: bertrand.neyhouse@utoronto.ca


New Projects Available

  • Redox flow battery scale-up and reactor engineering
  • Characterization and reactor design for off-electrode catalytic processes
  • Redox-active polymers for mediated electrochemical manufacturing
  • Electrochemical processes for plastic recycling

Currently accepting graduate students? Yes

  • MASc & PhD

Papangelakis, Vladimiros G.

Vlad Papangelakis

Vladimiros G. Papangelakis Professor, Dipl. Eng. (Athens), M.Eng., Ph.D. (McGill), P.Eng., FCIM, FCAE
Senior Industrial Research Chair in Water and Sustainable Extractive Metallurgy

Aqueous process engineering; hydrometallurgy; bio-hydrometallurgy; process modelling; electrolyte solution chemistry; recycling of inorganic wastes; environmental remediation from mining and metallurgical activities; process water recovery, recycling and purification; extractive metallurgy of nickel, gold and rare earth metals.

Room: WB329 | Tel.: 416-978-1093 | Email: vladimiros.papangelakis@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Water capture and purification from mining and process operations
  • Bioleaching of tailings
  • Rare Earth Element extraction from ores

Currently accepting graduate students? Potentially

  • MASc

Radisic, Milica

Milica Radisic

Milica Radisic Professor (IBBME, ChemE), B.Eng. McMaster University (1999), Ph.D. MIT (2004), Post-doc Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology (2005)
Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Organ-on-a-Chip Engineering

Organ-on-a-chip engineering, organoids, vascularization, iPSC, heart-on-a-chip, Biowire, tissue engineering, bioreactors, biophysical modulation of engineered tissues, patterned cell co-culture (2D and 3D), elastomeric polymers, 3D printing & biofabrication, automation & self-driving labs.

Room: MB317 | Tel.: 416-946-5295 | Email: m.radisic@utoronto.ca

Ramchandran, Arun

Arun Ramchandran

Arun Ramchandran Professor, B. Chem. Eng. (Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai), Ph.D. (University of Notre Dame)

Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
Canada Research Chair in Engineered Soft Materials and Interfaces

The focus of our group is the comprehension and prediction of macroscale properties of a suspension (mixture of particles and liquids) by studying microscale/nanoscale interactions and properties, using a combination of experiment and theory. Our current projects are in such diverse areas as oil extraction, fabric softener design, mass transfer in flowing blood, motion of biological particles in vascular networks, and polymer blending.

Room: WB368 | Tel.: 416-978-4162 | Email: arun.ramchandran@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • PhD project 1: Flow-induced coalescence and breakup rates of double emulsions and Janus droplets in creating polymer+drug microparticles
  • PhD project 2: Evaluation of interfacial transport and microscale transport in a water-oil system by using a hyperspectral camera

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD

Sanchez-Lengeling, Benjamin

Benjamin Sanchez-Lengeling Assistant Professor, B.Sc (Guanajuato), M.Sc. (Erasmus Mundus, Valencia),  Ph.D. (Harvard)

The Chemical Cognition research group is focused on designing computer-robotic systems that augment our human capacity for engineering and optimizing molecular systems, reactions, and processes. Focus areas: AI for science, Domain-Expert AI interactions, Interpretability, all in the context of chemicals.

Room: WB339 | Tel.: 416-978-8754 | Email: ben.sanchez@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • AI for ChemE/Chemistry
  • AI for Enzyme discovery/optimization
  • Explainability/Interpretability of scientific experiments (XAI)

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD

Saville, Bradley A.

Bradley Saville

Bradley A. Saville Professor, B.Sc., Ph.D.(Alberta), P.Eng.

Bioprocess technology, biomass pretreatment and hydrolysis, bioseparations, biofuels (ethanol, biodiesel, renewable diesel, renewable jet fuel), bioenergy, bioproducts, life cycle assessment, technoeconomic assessment, applications of enzymes, enzyme inactivation, inhibition and regulation of enzyme activity, therapeutic application of drugs and bioproducts (e.g., prebiotics).

Room: WB340 | Tel.: 416-978-7745 | Email: bradley.saville@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Life Cycle Assessment and Technoeconomic Assessment of Biofuels and Bioproducts
  • Role of Carbon Capture and Storage in Reducing the Carboin Intensity of Biofuels and Bioproducts

Projects to be jointly supervised with
Heather MacLean

Accepting Graduate Students? Yes

  • MASc

Sefton, Michael V.


Michael V. Sefton University Professor, B.A.Sc. (Toronto), Sc.D. (MIT), P.Eng.

Tissue engineering, cardiovascular biomaterials, medical implants, cell and gene therapy.

Room: DC406 | Tel.: 416-978-3088 | Email: michael.sefton@utoronto.ca 

Shoichet, Molly S.

Headshot of Professor Molly ShoichetMolly S. Shoichet University Professor, B.Sc. (MIT), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Massachusetts)
Pamela and Paul Austin Chair In Precision and Regenerative Medicine

Advancing innovative therapeutic and cell delivery strategies to promote regeneration in the central nervous system – brain, spinal cord and retina.

Designing novel 3D biomimetic cellular microenvironments to enable drug discovery and screening in cancer – breast, brain, lung, lymphoma.

Translating our inventions towards commercialization.

Room: DC514 | Tel: 416-978-1460 | Email: molly.shoichet@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Therapeutic delivery and discovery strategies

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD

Weckman, Nicole

Nicole WeckmanNicole Weckman, Assistant Professor (ISTEP, ChemE), BASc (Waterloo), MEng (McGill), PhD (Cambridge), Postdoc (Harvard)
Paul Cadario Chair in Global Engineering

My research group develops sensitive and quantitative biological and biochemical sensors at the interface of cell-free synthetic biology and microscale and nanoscale sensing systems. We focus on engineering design for clinical and commercial translation with a particular emphasis on how these sensors can be used to improve global health and protect our environment.

Room: MY791 | Tel.: 416-946-4017 | Email: nicole.weckman@utoronto.ca

Werber, Jay

""Jay Werber, Assistant Professor, B.Sc. (Washington Univ. St. Louis), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Yale), Post-doc (Minnesota)

My research group focuses on membrane materials and membrane separation processes with the aim of attaining breakthrough performance in molecular separations. We are especially motivated by major sustainability challenges, including water scarcity, atmospheric CO2 levels, and the production and recycling of metals. Our work covers all aspects of separation science, including the synthesis and characterization of high-performance membranes, fundamental transport in polymers, and process design.

Room: WB362 | Tel.: 416-978-4906 | Email: jay.werber@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Enhanced Reverse Osmosis for Treatment of High-Salinity Brines
  • Ion-Selective Electrodialysis for Battery Recycling and Resource Recovery

Currently accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD & MASc

Yan, Ning

Ning Yan, Professor, B.Eng, (Southeast), Ph.D. (Toronto), P.Eng., FEIC
Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Bioproducts
Distinguished Professor in Forest Biomaterials Engineering
Director of Low Carbon Renewable Materials Centre

Lignocellulosic biomaterials engineering; forest and agriculture residue utilization and conversion to value-added products; Cellulose, lignin, and extractives valorization to green chemicals and functional materials; bio-based polymers, chemicals, composites, and functional materials; sensors and devices.

Room: ES3037 | Tel.: 416-946-8070 | Email: ning.yan@utoronto.ca

New Projects Available

  • Circular biobased functional polymers replacing petrochemicals
  • Low carbon green adhesives, additives and foams for construction and automotives

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD

Yip, Christopher M.

Chris Yip

Christopher M. Yip Professor, B.A.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Minnesota), P.Eng.
Dean, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering

Molecular self-assembly: Protein-ligand and biomolecular complexes and elucidation of the mechanisms associated with their formation. Organic solid-state focusing on molecular and biomolecular crystals and their properties. Biomolecular and ligand-receptor interaction forces. Application of scanning probe microscopy to the characterization of biomolecular processes and structures. Novel protein complexes at interfaces. Molecular modeling of biomolecular complexes. Synthesis and characterization of molecular solids. Structure-property relationships in supramolecular assemblies. Advanced imaging including combinatorial super-resolution microscopies and spectroscopies.

Office of the Dean, 44 St. George Street | Tel.: 416-978-7853 |
Email: christopher.yip@utoronto.ca

Yu, Weilai

Weilai Yu, Assistant Professor

B.Sc. (Wuhan), Ph.D (Caltech), Postdoc (Stanford)

Principal Investigator, LOGICS Lab

Room: WB226  Email: weilai.yu@utoronto.ca

My research program aims at seamlessly integrating fundamental electrochemistry, surface science, and functional material-interface design toward developing next-generation technologies of energy conversion and storage, aided by an interdisciplinary approach of combining high throughput and autonomous experimentation with artificial intelligence.

New Projects Available

  • Interphase Optimization of Next-generation Battery Materials
  • Electrocatalytic Molecular Manufacturing for Circular Economy
  • Solar-driven Chemical Reforming for Environmental Sustainability
  • High-throughput and Autonomous Experimentation driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Accepting graduate students? Yes

  • PhD