MEng Project


MEng students have the option to pursue experiential learning opportunities through an MEng project. Working on a MEng project exposes students to academic research, allows them to work on a team, and to develop relevant work experience.

Projects are flexible. They can begin at any time, usually last between 4 and 12 months, and take approximately 450-500 hours to complete. A completed project replaces three half-credit CHE technical courses (see MEng program requirements for details).

NOTE: A ChemE faculty member (or a faculty member with a ChemE academic appointment) must supervise (or co-supervise) an MEng project.

An MEng project usually entails a critical review of the relevant literature, data collection and analysis, and possibly a new theory.

Project duration can vary, so students should discuss expectations with potential supervisors before starting a project.

Learn more about the current departmental research projects

Why Complete an MEng Project?

  • Interest in academic research
  • Develop (Canadian) work experience
  • Pivot into a new area
  • Work with a globally recognized faculty member
  • Develop lab and research skills

Types of MEng Projects

Four ways of finding an MEng project:

  1. Refer to our list of existing projects and contact the faculty member to learn more
  2. Contact a company stating your interest in taking on an industry-sourced MEng project OR apply to industry-sourced MEng projects available through the Department
  3. Attend MEng Project Day: an annual event held in September where ChemE faculty members present their MEng projects to MEng students
  4. Suggest your own project ideas to CHE faculty members

MEng projects are incredibly rewarding and we strongly encourage students to consider them when planning their courses

  1. Contact a CHE faculty member to discuss the possibility of taking on an MEng project under their supervision
    • Alternatively, if you are interested in an industry-sourced MEng project, contact an appropriate company. We will also work with industry partners to provide industry-sourced MEng project opportunities for students.
  2. Send all required documentation
  3. Complete safety training
  4. Begin your project!
  5. At the mid-point of your project, send a short interim project report to your supervisor(s
  6. Send your MEng project report (approximately 50 pages plus appendices) to your supervisor and complete any corrections or revisions
  7. OPTIONAL: If you are interested in presenting your MEng project, contact