The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Program is designed for students who want to become an expert in a specific research area and is a stepping stone to a career in academia. You will work alongside world-renowned researchers while gaining profound depth and experience in your field of study.
Students in the PhD program complete a thesis under the supervision of one of our faculty members, as well a number of courses. The program can be completed on a full-time or flexible-time basis.
Students should familiarize themselves with the information provided in the links below. Students are responsible for ensuring they meet the degree requirements, appropriate deadlines, and any other regulations throughout the duration of their program.
- PhD Degree Requirements
- Individual Development Plan
- Qualifying Examination
- PhD Reading Committee
- Changing Supervisor
- PhD Thesis
- PhD Departmental Oral Examination
- Final Oral Examination
- Prospective Professors in Training (PPIT)
- Finishing Up
Emphasis (optional):
Students in the MASc or PhD program may choose to complete their program with an Emphasis in Sustainable Energy.
Students in a Collaborative specialization or Emphasis must satisfy the requirements of the Collaborative specialization of Emphasis in addition to this Department’s requirements. A course/courses may count simultaneously towards both a student’s MASc or PhD degree and a Collaborative specialization or Emphasis. Careful course planning and consultation with both the ChemE Graduate Administrator and the Collaborative specialization or Emphasis Advisor is recommended.