Message from the Interim Associate Chair, Graduate Studies

Welcome to graduate studies at the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto! You are now part of a dynamic group of over 200 leading-edge graduate researchers who are solving today’s engineering challenges across health, energy and the environment.
Please review the checklist below for important information on accepting your offer and next steps. I also invite you to explore our website for more information on financial support, fees and payment and what our current graduate students are up to.
Our graduate administrators are always available to answer your questions to ensure you have a seamless transition into the Department.
Professor Arun Ramchandran, Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
Meet the Grad Office

Sarah Johns
M.Eng Admissions/Recruitment Coordinator & M.Eng Advisor
MEng Program Advising
MEng Admissions & Recruitment

Iliana Sztainbok
Graduate Administrator
MASc & PhD Program Advising
Funding & Scholarships