MEng Project

MEng students may optionally complete an MEng project. The project replaces three half-credit technical CHE courses in the MEng program requirements. Usually, a CHE faculty member supervises a project (contact the MEng Coordinator for non-CHE supervisors).

An MEng project should entail a critical review of the relevant literature, data collection and analysis, and possibly new theory. Projects usually take 6-8 months, or 450-500 hours, to complete (approximately the same duration as three half-credit courses). However, project duration can vary, so students should discuss this with potential supervisors before starting a project.

Ways to Find an MEng Project
  • Refer to our list of existing projects
  • Attend MEng Project Day (an annual event held in September where CHE faculty members present their MEng projects to MEng students)
  • Suggest your project ideas to CHE faculty members
Important Information about MEng Projects
  • Projects can start and end at any time (i.e., starting or ending partway through a term is permitted)
  • Students must complete CHE2222H (Safety Training) before beginning work on a project (if it is incomplete, your supervisor will be notified)
    • CHE2222H is an online course that takes 1-2 days to complete and does not count as one of the half-credit courses in the MEng program requirements
  • After starting a project, students must be continuously registered (section 6.1.8) until the project is complete
  • To complete a project, students must write a report and submit it to their supervisor
  • Supervisors may make correction recommendations to the report, which should be incorporated into the final version of the report
  • When a project student requests graduation, their supervisor must email the MEng Coordinator at and confirm that the project is complete (see Finishing Up)
Interim Report Requirement

Students who started an MEng project in Summer 2022 or later are required to write a short (1-5 pages) interim report that:

  • outlines the project’s goals and objectives
  • summarizes the progress made toward these goals and objectives
  • identifies any problems encountered

The interim report is due to the student’s supervisor at the mid-point of the project and is not graded. It is not submitted to the MEng/Graduate Office. It is written in addition to the final report, which is due at the end of the project.

Found your Project?
  1. In consultation with your supervisor, complete an MEng Project Registration form and send it to
  2. Complete an SGS Add/Drop form requesting enrolment in CHE2222H and CHE1800Y and send it to
  3. Finish CHE2222H – Safety Training (even if your project is not in a lab)
    • Safety Training must be completed before you can start work on your project
    • If you do not complete Safety Training your supervisor will be notified
  4. Complete an RRF and send it to Health & Safety for approval (even if your project is not in a lab)
  5. If you need keys to a lab, or a fob for building access, show Aydin Rafati (in WB16) your approved RRF to receive them
Finished your Project?
MEng Project Award

Faculty members: If your student did an excellent job on their MEng project, consider nominating them for the MEng Project Award!