Posts Categorized: Undergraduate News

The future of engineering education

Sourojeet Chakraborty, a ChemE PhD student, recently published a new paper in Frontiers in Education titled, Insights on mapping Industry 4.0 and Education 4.0. In collaboration with Professor Daniela Galatro (ChemE) and Professors Yris Gonzalez-Triana and Jorge Mendoza, at the…

ChemE Awards 2022-23

The 6th ChemE Exhibition & 37th Dinner on March 31, 2023 brought together close to 400 alumni, industry partners, faculty, staff, and students to celebrate the achievements of the past year. Congratulations to all of our 2022-23 ChemE Award recipients!  …

2nd-year students place 2nd at UTRAHacks 2023

UTRAHacks 2023 took place from March 18-19, 2023. The overnight robotics hackathon drew in the participation of 26 teams and consisted of two challenges. Autonomous vehicle challenge: Build and program a vehicle to complete obstacle courses using teleoperation and autonomous…

Meet Aseem Partap Singh Gill (ChemE 2T2 + PEY)

Aseem Partap Singh Gill (ChemE 2T2 + PEY), an undergraduate student from the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry (ChemE) at the University of Toronto, has caught the attention of many with his innovative use of artificial intelligence (AI)…

Iron Ring 2023

On Saturday, March 4 our fourth-year students received their Iron Rings. Money raised through the ChemE GRADitude Campaign helped fund their celebrations that evening. A total of $2,639.40 was raised prior to the day, and an additional $1,465 was raised…
Showing 11 - 20 of 47 results